Top 4 Reasons Why You Should Choose Assisted Living in Longmont, CODid you know that Longmont, Colorado was recently ranked #8 out of 59 Colorado cities competing for the best city for seniors? Longmont achieves this rank based on its safety, affordability, and abundance of things to keep seniors busy. With a population of approximately 90,000, choosing assisted living in Longmont offers a variety of benefits. The city’s close-knit community with a small-town feel plus the community-wide emphasis on healthy living inspires engagement and happiness for those in their later years. 1. Longmont is the Epitome of a Walkable CityBross Street Assisted Living is located just 4 blocks from the Main Street Corridor in Downtown Longmont, which spans a grid between 1st Avenue and Longs Peak Avenue. This corridor has been designed specifically for pedestrians and features wide, tree-lined streets, speckled with gardens and benches to take in the view. By selecting assisted living in Longmont, you will benefit immensely from its walkable layout. You will be able to feel the heritage as you walk through dozens of buildings that date back to the early 1900s. These diverse structures now house more than 300 businesses and organizations including restaurants, breweries, retail shops, art galleries, theaters, music venues, event spaces, and entertainment options. The phrase “I’m bored” will easily evaporate from your vocabulary! 2. Longmont Has Tons of Activities for SeniorsOne of the benefits of assisted living in Longmont (specifically at a facility like Bross Street) is being so close to the city center. Because of our proximity to this hub of activity, we are able to offer an abundance of community opportunities for our residents to participate in. Our residents at Bross Street enjoy these highlights:
3. Longmont’s Proximity to Downtown DenverLocated approximately 45 minutes from downtown Denver, Colorado, you can easily get your “Big City” fix anytime you want! You can just hop on 1-25 South for a quick 35 miles and you’re right in downtown Denver. If you want to take public transportation, there are a variety of options to Denver and DIA as well, including busses, trains, and shuttles. The Green Ride even provides a senior discount! Perhaps you have relatives flying in from other states? The trip they will make from the Denver International Airport to Longmont is just 42 miles via I-25S and E470S. If you want to meet them in Downtown Denver for a day at the Art Museum or a picnic by the Platte River, it is an easy day trip for you both. 4. Longmont Boasts 247 Days of Sunshine Per YearLongmont, Colorado boasts an average of 247 days of sunshine each year - more than Miami beach or San Diego! Basking in the sunlight (with proper precautions of course) can offer a variety of health benefits. The most talked about one is the increased release of serotonin, a major mood boosting hormone in your brain. In addition to treating depression, sunlight treatment can also fight off anxiety. As you are making this significant change in your life, by deciding on assisted living in Longmont, you have the added benefit of the sunshine to help stabilize your mood through this transition. Exposure to sunshine can benefit your health as you age in other ways as well. Increased intake of Vitamin D promotes bone health, something very important to keep up with as we age. Consistent, short amounts of sun exposure on a regular schedule can even prevent certain types of cancer, treat rheumatoid arthritis, and help heal certain types of skin conditions. For more specific information, read this article on Schedule a Visit at Bross Street Assisted Living in Longmont, COWe could go on and on about why Longmont is such a great location to choose for your assisted living arrangements. Instead, we would like to invite you to see for yourself all that assisted living in Longmont has to offer. Schedule a visit to tour Bross Street Assisted Living today!
I love that you talked about how the area will be walkable when it comes to choosing an assisted living place in Longmont. I hope there is a place like that here in Fauquier County, Virginia, too. It's to ensure that the environment will be nice for my grandmother, since she loves the outdoors ever since she was younger.
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LocationBross street assisted living537 Bross Street
Longmont, CO 80501 Call to speak to a resident 720-684-6946 Call to request information 303-991-3089 [email protected] |